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Stained Glass Tour

Given by Katie Price and Sarah Branch in loving memory of Frederick Octavius Branch and Helen Morris Branch

OT Window - Abraham and Sarah
and the Three Visitors

The left-most scene shows Abraham and Sarah providing hospitality to three visitors, with Sarah at the tent door. These mysterious visitors brought the presence of God and God’s promise that Sarah would bear a son in her old age (at which, she laughed) (Genesis 18:1-15). This scene has been used in Christian artwork as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

Given in thanksgiving by Perilyn & Doug Mitchell

OT Window - Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Given by Jane F. Bunn, with love and thanksgiving for Meredith and Ryan

OT Window - Alpha and Omega

The top three windows represent the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, one God. The Greek letters Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” Revelation 22:13. These symbols are commonly used as symbols for God; in this case, they signify God the Father.

Given by Greg and Jean Doherty, to honor their parents: Jack and Kitty Doherty, and Rick and Jackie Carl

OT Window - Creation, Day Four:
God Created the Sun, Moon, and Stars

God Created the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Given in thanksgiving, by Tom & Becky Martin

OT Window - Creation, Day One: God Separated the Light from the Darkness

God created light and separated the light from the dark

Given in loving memory of Jim Ainsworth and John Williams

OT Window - Creation, Day Seven:
God rested.

God rested. The man and woman, and the rainbow (which arrives later in Genesis) are represented here as signs of God’s blessing to his creation.

Given to the Glory of God by Sanford and Adrianne Rice, in thanksgiving for Alexandria, Joseph, and William

OT Window - Creation, Day Six:
God Created the Wild Creatures and Humankind

God Created the Wild Creatures and Humankind

Given to the Glory of God by the Folder Folks, 2010

OT Window - Creation, Day Three:
God created the Earth and its Bountiful Vegetation

God created the Earth and its Bountiful Vegetation

Given by Irene, Allison and Todd Trego in loving memory of Buzz, Trego, a kind and loving husband and father

OT Window - Creation, Day Two:
God Separated the Waters from the Sky

God Separated the Waters from the Sky

Given in thanksgiving for the Lord Almighty and his many blessings, by the Wednesday Morning Bible Study Group, 2011

OT Window - Creation. Day Five:
God Created Fish and Fowl

God Created Fish and Fowl

Given by Kitty and Sam Tuttle in loving memory of their parents: George Anderson Crallé, Betty Zaffarano Crallé, Don Aldridge Tuttle, Joem Coleman Tuttle, and thanksgiving for their children: William Anderson Tuttle and Olivia Grace Tuttle

OT Window - David the Psalmist

This window shows David, the musician and writer of many Psalms.

Given Soli Deo Gloria (only to God be the glory), in thanksgiving for the Parish of St. Peter & St. Paul by Bud, Melissa, Nathan and Jonathan Bryan

OT Window - Descending Dove

“And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him” (Matthew 3:16, also Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22, John 1:32). The Descending Dove window signifies God the Holy Spirit.


Our Mission is Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ

God has a vision for us as a Christian Community, empowered by the Holy Spirit, active in: Worship of God, Discipleship for all ages, Serving Christ in the world.




1795 Johnson Ferry Road
Marietta, Georgia 30062


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