"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:29

Dear Friends in Christ,
The lectionary, which appoints readings that we use in our weekend services, recently gave us readings from Esther and Ruth, as well as the story of Hannah (1 Samuel 1-2). We heard of Esther’s courage in standing up for her people under the Persian king. We heard of Ruth’s choice to follow the God of Israel and of God’s grace toward Ruth and Naomi. And we heard of Hannah’s perseverance in prayer and trust in the Lord.
These are among many women in the Bible who show us faithfulness in several ways. You can read about the humility of Mary (Luke 1), The leadership of Deborah, judge of Israel, and the brutal initiative of Jael to defeat the Lord’s enemies (Judges 4) and of Judith, a champion of Judah whose story is told in the apocrypha.
There are many women whose faith Jesus praised: the bold and faithful Syrophoenician woman, the woman Jesus healed of chronic illness, Mary who sought his presence and teaching, and anointed him with myrrh. While the disciples brought food from the Samaritan village, the woman Jesus met at the well brought back the townspeople (John 4). Mary Magdalene was “the apostle to the apostles,” the first witness to Jesus’ resurrection (Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20).
Miriam was a prophet (Exodus 15). God blessed Sarah and Hagar, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, and Anna who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Lydia was a patron of Paul and the church in Ephesus, Phoebe, a deaconess, and Junia mentioned by Paul as one of the Apostles. Rahab and Leah and Rachel, Tabitha, Eunice, and Susanna, each have a part to play in the story of God’s grace to us.
Who is your favorite woman in the Bible? Who in your life today is a sister in Christ who has brought God’s grace to you?
Yours in Christ,