We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
But when the kids leave for college, have the parents graduated from church? If the lecture is all church is, why not listen on line, when (if) it’s convenient? There are certainly more specialized social clubs and charities out there. Why church? What is church?
The church is the Christian community. We are Christians in relationship with each other with Jesus at the center of who we are and all we do. The church existed long before church buildings. The church isn’t a place, but a people, gathered to worship God, to grow as his disciples together and to grow new disciples for Jesus, welcomed into those friendships. That discipleship also takes us out into the world to share the grace we’ve received. To be the church and to do the church’s ministry, we commit to love one another, to stay in relationship with each other and support each other (and be reconciled to each other) through our relationships with Jesus.
Growing deeper in Christ involves growing in relationships in Christ. There are many points of contact with your brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Peter & St. Paul; how will you get connected? Come be the church together.
Yours in Christ,