This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations, as a statute forever, you shall keep it as a feast. Exodus 12:14

Dear Friends in Christ,
In Holy Week, Christians gather to mark the climax of Jesus' ministry: his death and resurrection. More than a simple learning experience, more than a fellowship opportunity or a helpful bit of uplift, these unique services mark sacred time with sacred space and sacred actions. They layer on top of the Jewish practice of Passover, a memorial that unites the people with God's saving acts of ages past. We gather for God to make real for us the actions of Jesus with his disciples. This is the more full meaning of "do this in remembrance of me."
This Holy Week, set aside time: make time this week sacred. Gather in sacred space to enter into the drama of our Lord's suffering, crucifixion and resurrection.
Maundy Thursday at 7:30 PM (whose name comes from the 'mandate' of Jesus to us: "do this in remembrance of me") takes us to the table with Jesus and his disciples at the last supper, and to the Garden of Gethsemane. We strip the altar and begin a vigil of prayer through the night.
Good Friday we have three services of tue Good Friday liturgy: 7AM, Noon, and 7:30PM. The 7AM service includes communion from the reserved sacrament. We remember Jesus' arrest, trial and crucifixion, and we pray the solemn collects for God's people.
At the Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday night at 8:30PM, we light the new Easter fire, hear about God's saving acts in history, renew our Baptismal vows, and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter.
Easter Sunday morning, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at 8:00AM and 10:30 AM, each with brass playing, handbell choir playing, and receptions following. The 10:30 service will use light incense. The kids will gather for an egg hunt at 9:30AM in creation chapel, with a reception following.
The joys of Easter are felt more deeply when you experience the full slate of Holy Week services! Come join us. May God bless you richly with his presence this week and always!
Yours in Christ,