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Growing Deeper with Christ: Why Membership?

Writer's picture: The Rev. Thomas C. PumphreyThe Rev. Thomas C. Pumphrey
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

Dear Friends in Christ,


We used to be a nation of joiners, finding our identity in various institutions such as churches, clubs and service organizations. More recent generations are more suspicious of institutions and less inclined to value “membership” as something desirable. For many, their church is kind of like their grocery store. Why become a “member?”


On the one hand, we welcome anyone to participate in the life of the church, regardless of membership. On the other hand, our mission is Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ, so we always welcome people to a deeper commitment in their life in Christ. Part of God’s call to us as Christians is to be connected together in the Christian Community—the church. Official membership is a way to make that commitment to the community. In any group, you often get out what you put in. If you stay on the periphery, then you may miss the benefits of being invested in the community. Official membership also helps us to recognize you as a member and include you in correspondence and leadership opportunities.


Official membership in the parish:

  • Helps deepen your commitment to God and to the parish,

  • Connects you more effectively to paths of spiritual growth,

  • Helps you to be more invested in the relationships and ministry of the parish,

  • Helps parishioners feel comfortable reaching out to you to include you in ministry.

  • Includes you in some correspondence and leadership opportunities.


What is required to be a member? The chief mark of membership is Christian Baptism. We love to welcome children and adults to the body of Christ through Baptism (click here to learn more). We can welcome as “Active Baptized Members” anyone who was Baptized in any Christian Church (baptized with water and in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Beyond that, you should express a desire to be a member by completing a new member form (here). If you are an Episcopalian, we transfer your membership from your previous parish (using information from the form).


What is expected of members? 

  • As Baptism implies: a commitment to Jesus Christ, and to Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ,

  • Participation in the worship and ministry of the parish,

  • Financial support (even if small), usually coupled with an annual pledge of support (click here for more info),

  • Confirmation is also strongly encouraged (and required for certain leadership positions).

    Click here for more info. Those confirmed in other traditions are “Received” to the Episcopal Church in the same process. The effect of Confirmation and Reception is equivalent.


Is that all?

Well, God always calls us deeper. We hope that you endeavor to pursue a life of prayer, study, generosity and service in the church and in the world. This starts with regular participation in worship and the sacraments, regular participation in a Bible study or class, learning to know others in this community, regular prayer on your own and with others, and taking your place in the ministries of the church. We hope that your stewardship of time, talent and treasure will reflect your love for God not only in the church but at home and work and school and in the world. This is part of how we pursue our mission of Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ.


If you are not already a member, I invite you to join us. If you are a member, I invite you to invite others! In so doing, we follow our Lord’s example. Thank you for your engagement together in this place, and God bless you always!



Yours in Christ,




Our Mission is Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ

God has a vision for us as a Christian Community, empowered by the Holy Spirit, active in: Worship of God, Discipleship for all ages, Serving Christ in the world.




1795 Johnson Ferry Road
Marietta, Georgia 30062


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