Our Ministries are how we pursue our Mission: Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Ministries help us live into God’s vision for us as A Christian Community, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Active in:
Worship of God
Discipleship for All Ages
Serving Christ in the World
Read this overview and follow the links in this section of the website to learn more about how you can get involved.
Our mission is Growing Disciples of Jesus Christ among All Ages.
These ministries include Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Adult Christian Formation. Programs include Sunday School for all ages, Youth Group, Children and Youth Events, Multigenerational and Intergenerational Programs, Weekday Bible Studies and classes, and other events to enrich the discipleship of all ages. See also the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
For more information, click here, or contact Parish Office at 770.977.7473.
You can remember our Ministries by the acronym: SWEEPS BiG!
Pastoral Care
Stewardship & Finance
Buildings & Grounds