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Lenten Resources
Lent season is upon us and below you will find many resources to help you celebrate during this time.

Lenten Devotional
Comprised of devotional writings by our parishioners and clergy. Printed copies available today. Daily writings will also be available beginning March 2nd at and on our social media.
In the Nave with Amy Stillwell, Wednesdays from 11:30am-noon, beginning February 21st

Outdoors & self-guided, near the pavilion at the back of the church
Lectio Divina
Led by Amy Stillwell on Sunday nights from
7:00 - 7:30PM via Zoom
Please Register Below

Prayer Beads
Watch this instructional video featuring our music director, George Chesnut.
Lent & Easter Schedule
Shrove Tuesday - March 4th - Pancake Supper @ 5:30pm
Ash Wednesday - March 5th - 7:00am | Noon | 7:30pm Services
Stations of the Cross Begins - March 5th
St. Patrick's Day Dinner - March 17 @ 6pm in the Creation Chapel
Maundy Thursday Service - April 17th @ 7:30pm
Good Friday Service - April 18th 7:00am | Noon | 7:30pm
Great Vigil of Easter - April 19th8:30pm
Easter Sunday Service - April 20th 8:00am & 10:30am
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