Leadership Development Archive
Peruse the selection below for Handouts and 80-minute Audio files for a six-part series for lay people. The audio files are live recordings of presentations by The Rev. Tom Pumphrey from a series of classes held at St. David’s, Wayne, PA, in 2013.
Foundations of Christian Leadership: Theology, Leadership Structure of the church, and Mission.
Dynamics of Christian Communities: Interpersonal Dynamics of Group Size, Parish Size and Parish History.
Elements of Effective Vestries & Ministries, Part I: Leading Christian Ministry, and Healthy Relationships.
Elements of Effective Vestries & Ministries, Part II: Mutual Accountability, Healthy Clergy, Effective Processes & Structures.
Communication & Conflict Management: Personal Invitation, Recruitment, Conflict Management Styles & Resolution.
Church Finances: Parochial Reports, Budgets, Clergy Compensation, Stewardship, Capital Campaigns.