Family Promise
We serve Christ in the World by providing transitional shelter and support for homeless families in Cobb County through the Family Promise organization.
Family Promise coordinates a network of churches that rotate to provide shelter for a week at a time. For four separate weeks during the year, we house families in our church overnight, and provide them with dinner, breakfast and compassionate hospitality. The next week, they stay at another church in the network. During the day, Family Promise provides the adults with job training, financial counseling and support. They also provide the kids with a home base that insures that they can stay in the same schools during this transitional period. Family Promise is the only organization in Cobb County that provides homeless shelter for whole families (many others, at best, separate men and older boys from women and children). Families are screened for safety; they usually stay in the program for roughly six weeks before finding stable housing.
After a brief training, you can get involved by providing food, helping to prepare rooms, serving breakfast or dinner, and being an overnight host at the church.
For more information, contact Peter Williams. Read more about Family Promise of Cobb County at www.familypromisecobbcounty.org